Article 4 : The Selby - Enter The Homes of Artists Around The World

Article for Greymanner ( Nov 27, 09 )

I'm always jealous of people who seem to have it all, not in terms of standard values like money, career, family and all that jazz. I'm talking about people who really pursue their passion, do what they really want to do in life, and are content with it. This may sound easy, but it's actually not. Some people go through years and years of just trying to figure out what they really want in life, and most people actually give up before they finally find the answer, fade into the background, decide to live for function over passion. Shame, but I believe these people featured on The Selby know better.

The Selby is a website invented by Todd Selby, a New York based photographer, blogger and fashion celebrity, who features photographs, paintings and videos of interesting people and their creative spaces. From one photograph to another, you can see each of these unique individuals - indie musicians, artists, designers and actors, from around the world, inviting us to enter their creative world framed well within a 16:9 aspect ratio. Well, I know nothing about these people, and I am pretty sure they are still real people with their own real problems, but it is just amazing how still art can demolish any kind of objectivity in creating a certain impression on how one's life looks like, where everything that matters is what's in the frame. If that is how you want people to look at you, that is what you are.

Through his art, Todd Selby is not only giving us an opportunity to enter the wonderful home of these interesting characters, but also... their minds. And for this, I would say these pictures are not just visually entertaining, but also inspiring - it made me forget about the terrible colour scheme of my bedroom walls and how boring my job really is.

Check out The Selby here.

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