Real Beauty, Real People' Ad Campaign
Role : Art Director, Editor, Compositor, Colourist

The campaign is trying to define 'Dove' as a brand that is different. It's friendliness that's makes it different. While other hair-product brands compete each other through beautiful campaign, high-profile celebrities figure, high-end and expensive concept, Dove is taking the other way around by targeted the brand to everyone.

Through this campaign, Dove is not giving you false expectations and broken promises as a product that could 'make' u extraordinary in anyway, it's not a campaign that would slap you hard in the face or poke you every now and then. Well..It just taps you lightly in the shoulder and whispers softly, aware us of the extraordinary value that every people actually has already. This campaign is also stood up as the antidotes of other typical hair commercials ,t encourages us to be honest to ourselves and embrace the fact of our each unique inner qualities. This attitude what truly makes us extraordinary, its way more than just shiny flowing hair and pretty faces . And above all, not everyone wants to live in L.A and adores Paris Hilton.

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